Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Manitoba Social

Like most Manitobans, we've all been to a social at one time or another.

Those of you who are not from Manitoba, there is a reference in the Wikipedia under the term "social" with the heading "Regional Uses". This explains fairly good what in fact a social is to us Manitobans.

Here is the excerpt from that article:
"Regional uses -
There is a peculiar use of "social" in some parts of the world. In the Canadian province of Manitoba, a "social" is a fund raising party (for a wedding, non-profit organization, charity, or some other worthy cause). It is also known as a Manitoba Social. Typically, they will include music (current popular music for the youth and "oldies" music older adults), dancing, food, raffles (and other fund raising games). When held in support of a wedding, often they are used as a way to shake down some details of the wedding (e.g., letting the bride try a hair style, practicing dancing, etc.)"

That sums it up pretty good.

The reason I am posting about socials tonight, is I am heading out to attend one tonight. It's in honor a friend of mine getting married in June.

Should be a good time.

I hope the phenomenon of socials will be around for a long time, it's one of the things which set this region of the world apart from others. And I realize it may be a small, unimportant thing to think about, but we all define ourselves somehow, and the social is just another thing we can be proud of when we say we are Manitobans, and Canadians.

Here is the only wedding social video I could find. Seems people here in Manitoba don't post a lot of video's of socials on the 'net.


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