Sunday, April 15, 2007


We all have people we trust, people we hang out with, people we confide in, people we laugh with, and people we cry with.

We all have friends.

Friends are the glue that hold us together every day. Friends can make you smile when you are having the worst day of your life. Friends are a comforting, familiar face, in a crowded room full of strangers. Friends, for the most part, are the people you are proud of the most, the ones who you would tell other people "I know that guy."

I have quite a few people I would call friends. I even have a few I would call best friends. and I also have far too many people I call acquaintances.

But let's break it down a little bit.

Acquaintances - people I know, would say hello to, nod at, stop and shoot the breeze with. People I may remember a few key things about their life, and 75% of the time, I would remember their name.
These are the people who you say you know, if someone ask you if you know them. "Yeah I know Vinny, he's a hell of a guy." But really, that's about as in depth as it would get. I have no idea whether Vinny is, in fact, a hell of a guy, but that's what I would tell people.

Friends - Friends are there for you. Friends are the ones you see often. And if they live out of town, you email, phone, or see them when they are back in town for the holidays. But, even if you miss the when they are back in town, a simple "sorry, I got really busy" would suffice for a friend. They understand you enough to not ask too many questions, and take what you are saying at face value.
Friends are the ones you will go out to the bars with, or out to a movie. Friends are the ones who will sell the Social tickets for your wedding, and make sure all of their friends come, because they have all gone to their friends' socials in the past.
Friends are the ones you would pick for your hockey team, or maybe plan a small road trip with.

Best Friends - Best friends are the ones who will be there no matter what. You break up with your significant other - they are there for you. Someone in your family dies, they are the shoulder to cry on. You need a few bucks to tide you over, they are the ones opening their wallets (this one is sketchy though, not all best friends, or friends for that matter, should lend out cash in my opinion. It can lead to ex-best friends).
Best friends will stay by your side, even though they know you may have done something morally wrong. They will not condone this behavior, but have such strong bonds to you, they will not leave your side.

I think one tends to gravitate to those who are like ones self. We make acquaintances with those who share common interests, or know the same people.
This is very easy to do, because there's always somewhere to find potential acquaintances. Work, school, online web sites, you can find a new acquaintance without trying very hard.
The question then, becomes how do you, if at all, turn and acquaintance into a friend. Do you need more friends? Will this acquaintance be a good addition to your group of friends? Would you feel embarrassed if you were seen hanging around with this new person? All questions which run through your mind as you make new acquaintances.

It's a tough road at this point, whether to bring that new person into your life. You don't really know what the result will be if unless you take a chance.

It's the same with life and love though. If you don't take the chance, you will never know what could have been. Such is the premise for many a song and movie.

Next time you are walking down the street and pass by someone you don't know, stop for a moment and think about that person. You don't know them, but what if you did? What would it take to start up a conversation with that person, and get to know them a little. How would that tiny conversation change your life? Or would it at all? What if that's the person you're supposed to marry? What's if that's your next new best friend?

The point is, you never know. And you never will until you make that first move.

So go make a new acquaintance, and see if you can parle that into a friendship.


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