Monday, August 27, 2007


For anyone following my blog, and there may be tens of you out there, I have resurfaced from the vacation world of my sofa and computer chair. I purposely didn't blog on vacation, but am back now, so prepare yourselves.

So today I have one simple topic, hacking the iPhone.

I would like to give props out to George Hotz for being the first (from what I gather) to hack the iPhone.

George logged about 500 hours or so on the endeavor, and worked online with others to produce the hack.

You can visit George's blog here for the full details, and list of equipment needed to do it yourself.

I possess none of the skills, and less of the patience to attempt such a hack. So if anyone is successful in hacking their own iPhone, let me know, for I will bow to you on some cyber level that only you and I will ever really appreciate.

And here's some related videos:

CNBC Interview with George Hotz, iPhone Hacker

iphone cracked hacked unlocked by George Hotz

Teen 'Unlocks' iPhone From AT&T Network

Teen 'Unlocks' iPhone - Interview With Glen Rock

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