Monday, August 06, 2007

Dungeon Runners

I can only play Neverwinter Nights for so long before going a little batty.

I like playing solo, as well as with a group. But I find playing mostly on Role playing servers I get bored easily if there isn't anyone else around wanting to play as a party, or if there isn't a quest or event going on.

So I branch out every once in a while to try some new games. When I do this, it's usually something high energy, with lots of fighting and solo play.

With this in mind, I checked out Dungeon Runners this past weekend. Created by NCSoft, Dungeon Runners delivers the fighting energy I need (albeit a little repetitive).

With more updates and patches coming every month, I can see myself playing this game for a while.

Now I did say it was a bit repetitive, and that's true. But with tons and tons of different weapons, armor and equipment in the game, it's almost a quest in itself to try and get better and better items. You tend to look past the same groups of monsters and attacks, just to see what the next monster will drop.

But it's also interesting to see what the next level of my character will bring in terms of skills, abilities, and special powers.

You can re-spec your characters skill points at any time, so if you want to mix up your game-play a little, you can certainly do that.

Every few levels I gain some new magic, and change my attacks accordingly. So in a sense, the repetitive nature of the game is not as noticeable to me....yet.

It's also free to play, you simply download the game from the NCSoft website, and your off and running.

You can, however, pay a nominal fee ($4.99 per month) which will allow you access to member only items. You can find these items when monsters drop them, but can only use them if you are a member (other wise you can just sell them).

So I bit the bullet, and forked over 3 months of fees. It was pretty cheap, and now I get the full effect of the game.

If I get sick of the game, I can always not pay for it any more.

Here are a few videos of Dungeon Runner, so you can decide for yourself if it's worth playing:

Dungeon Runners

Dungeon Runners - gameplay video



JP said...

I gave this a one evening go. And although it seems to hit all the Diablo notes - something I need like an addict needs crack cocaine - I found the camera control mega agravating.



David Badilotti said...

I may have to give this one a try, although it's not like I even seem to have the urge to game lately (Star Wars Lego on JP's 42" LCD aside).

Anathema Heterodox said...

I will say, it's definitely not for everyone, it's mainly hack-n-slash.
But what keeps me coming back, like a small child to the lure of colorful candy, are the plethora of different weapons, armor and equipment (gathered a loot from the monsters).
I did end of buying a 3 month subscription (only $4.99 per month) so I could experience al of what the game has to offer.

And, although I haven't logged into the game for about 6 days now, there should be a new patch out soon (if not already out) with the PVP server, and members-only server. And even though I've never been outrageously good at PVP, I do enjoy it, and will have to give it a whirl at my earliest convenience.

I will likely post a blog entry about it once I've tried the PVP.


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