Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Eating Healthy

So who'd have thunk it, eating healthy can actually taste good?! I went out today and bought a whack-load of groceries.....all healthy stuff too. Non fat sour cream, whole wheat spaghetti, low fat yogurt, whole wheat bread......well you get the picture.
I asked for, and took the advice of a couple of friends at work on this topic. Spent about $80 on these groceries, and I figure they should last about a week or so if I plan it right and don't pig out like I normally do.
This is a far cry from my usual fare.
Yup, I've been a slave to salty and fatty food for some time now. Oh how I love the smoky, salty taste of bacon during every waking moment. It's almost a religion for me. Seriously, I love bacon. I even came up with my own bacon recipe.....bacon wrapped KFC chicken skins. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition that's some good eatin'! An alternate name is a heart attack in a every bite, but why split hairs, call it what it really is.....delicious!
Basically you wrap bacon around a piece of KFC chicken skin, and then fry it in a pan. The only healthier alternative, and I use the word healthier lightly here, is baking these little morsels on a cookie sheet in the oven. Either way, you've got a party in your mouth when you're done.
I've been trying to figure out how to add cheese into the mix as well. The biggest problem is leakage. I have had a few successful trials of cheddar filled bacon wrapped KFC chicken skins, but for the most part the cheese oozes out into the frying pan, and you get a big mess. After all, it's party about presentation.
I think ultimately I will need to use other meats to help wrap these tender treats of goodness. Multiple layers and wrappings of several different kinds of meat would add depth to this recipe, and would also allow the cheddar to be properly sealed in the center.
I will let you know if I am successful. But of course, I will entertain suggestions on how to improve upon this salty sumptuous delight.
Leave me a comment with your suggestion, and I will endeavor to comment back, and try your suggestion possibly.

"I eat bacon for breakfast, bacon for lunch and I drink my dinner"
— From the movie Buy at Amazon.comGrumpy Old Men.

Laterz - AH

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