Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In The Moment

So I was thinking back to some earlier days on the internet for myself. I had, at one time, a personal web page where I would post updates every so often. Interwoven in these updates were links to cool pages people could click on.
I thought this was sweet hot!
I thought I was an innovator!
Well, ok maybe not an innovator, but surely a copycatter!
Yes sir, I could copy html script like it was nobody's business. It got to the point where I started to learn a little html code. I did in fact learn some html code, but not enough to do anything unbelievable on my own. I could make some cool things happen on a page, but for the most part, I needed to check out html help pages, or look through other people's source code to see how they coded certain things. Personally I think that's still how a lot of amateur html coders do it, me included.
But I don't really see it as stealing out right. I am learning how someone did something cool, copying the gist of it, and tweaking it slightly to serve my own purposes. scavenging is probably a more appropriate word for what I do.
I should also mention I have not actually created much of anything lately. And by lately, I mean about 3 years.
So what's my point here? I'm not sure. I just started typing and this is what came out.
Maybe this is something along the lines of stream-of-consciousness typing.

I don't think I will mention the break-up right now either. For the record, it was a good decision on my part, and let's leave it at that.

I watched some TV tonight - Seinfeld, Friends, American Idol, Smart as a 5th Grader, and the Wedding Singer. All the while typing away on the computer replying to emails, surfing for lyrics, and downloading songs on Limewire. Yes indeed, I am a child of the multi-tasking age.
I love it though. I think part of why I love my job, and am good at it are that I can do multiple things at once, and do them well.
Of course, in these fast-paced times, multi-tasking is almost a prerequisite for most jobs.

I guess it's time to make my lunch for tomorrow, and think about getting some shut-eye as well. Need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for the morning grind!


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